Good evening everyone, thanks for all your great comments on the last post, I found it really funny, and i'm here to update with another video I found really entertaining and quite AWESOME.
I will be hosting my own website soon, just learning a bit more about web creation, and am going to link all my blogs under one website, and perhaps start a new one!
I am pretty excited, been reading a lot of your blogs and also getting great ideas for my future posts. Thanks for all the support, i'll continue to update with awesome content, but in the meantime, i'll be trying to figure out a name for my domain.
TODAY IS FRIDAY, and was supposed to post another TWANGER/ASIAN hot girl post, but i'll save it for tomorrow since I was busy all week....... Actually you know what, cancel that, click READ MORE if you want to see HOT ASIAN GIRLS.
Make sure to check out my other blogs if you haven't already, links are on my page.
ALSO, please make sure TO VOTE below on types of other awesome content you want to see in the future!
those girls are hot!
Words cannot describe this video
Those women are very beautiful.
Nice post bro!
why that sir is one very attractive asian
After all those pics, he asks "what do you think". Sudden loss of blood in the brain, can't think!
I approve of this hotness :)
You have good taste in girls. ;)
Wow, that girl is unbelievably hot!
more hot asian guys plz
nice asian girls.
right clicked and saved :)
Gotta wonder at all the girls holding mp3 players. did you pick a theme?
Ipod touch... Hot.
Hey brother ;) Thanks for the stellar comment, always inspiring me to do more of whatever it is I seem to be doing. I'm amazed at the quality of people I've met in the past two weeks of blogging. Just a real credit to the human race. I know your young mate, but your smart and strong and you can read between the bullshit. Don't let the world get to you mate, surround yourself by those who make the world around them better.
I hope my blog can help out in at least some way, mate. My aim is to inspire and lead, to maybe help others do the same. I call it viral leadership. A true leader should never be ahead of his followers, but rather side by side, advancing together.
Keep it up Bluerad, fight the good fight.
Wow, gorgeous!
AWWW I cant see the dog!!! but I loved the asian girl jajajajja thank you...I also need an ipod now xD
ok that dog was really cool...
HAHAHA! That dog is outstanding! Auto-tune the world!!!
yay for autotune. its done more good then bad!
Oh how i love the asians!
Cute dog
Cute asians
haha i rofld off my chair to that dog. and the asianz are great aswell
That dog was awesome.
damn now i wish i had an asian gf lol
Very nice!
fucking AZN's
Excellent post! Favourite picture was the first one ;)
Lmao i don't give a shit what anyone says about auto tune, it's great.
aww shes addorable, looks just like my sisters dog
That was the strangest thing to listen to while looking at the pictures.
The dog, it killed all arousal that might of been had! :(
Nice selection though!
I approve of this whole post of pretty much awsome
Those asian chicks are hot!
that dog was awesome, but those girls! whew!
wow so hot!!
dude, when in doubt, always go with girls. you'll never go wrong with hot girls. except herpes. lol
I think the dog is cute but i don't see the point in those girls
Awww hahaha, that thing that makes the dog sing is amazing, I hope the dog is enjoying it. The Japanese girls are very hot, bad thing they're all look the same, it's because is the same model, right?! ^_^
omg you hit whit this loves girls
f autotune
Oh, you posted some real cuties today!
best invention: the wheel and push-up bras
haha awesome dog.
Cool stuff
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